Hi all! we are seeking feedback on the new optional QUICK BATTLE system... here goes:
no stance ('cept for bombing), no partial damage/repair, no unit transfer to/from battleboard. Ideally these 2 reference sheets (WIP) would be on 5x7" dry erase boards (similar to the O&P dry erase boards). Hoping this saves a hefty chunk of time overall... 25%+ if looking to cut down game time.

another update here...https://www.nightingale-games.com/rules
Wish I owned a copy of War Room, so I could participate in the BETA. I'm really looking forward to the Kickstarter campaign next month. Cheers!
Check Paintstate's video for an overview here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZMJ1zAuI-o
Woops that was not the latest naval board... here is the most recent version...